A crowd of about 500 students, faculty and staff gathered in Skye Lounge to welcome Dr. Calvin Troup as president-elect on Monday, February 8, 2016. This was Dr. Troup’s first opportunity to meet with the campus community after being named the twentieth president of the college.
The student choir, The Genevans, sang the Alma Mater. Chaplain Rut Etheridge prayed on behalf of the college and the new president. Interim President Dr. Bill Edgar, who has been serving in this role since last July, greeted the community. He then introduced Presidential Search Committee Chair Bonnie Weir.
Bonnie Weir identified her fellow members of the Search Committee: Board of Trustees Chair Joye Huston; Board of Trustees members Jay Roy and John Edgar; Board of Corporators member David J. Schaefer; Geneva Political Science Professor Jay Neikirk; Accounting Professor Amy Russin; Academic Dean Melinda Stephens; and Executive Vice President Larry Griffith. She explained the time commitment members had put into the search – about 75 hours in meetings and just as many reading materials. Above all, she said, they prayed.
Dr. Weir said that Dr. Calvin Troup was an exceptional candidate and a perfect fit for the position of president of Geneva College. She listed his qualifications and shared references. She also pointed out his wife Amy (Spear ’83) Troup and his youngest daughter Hannah, a current Geneva student, who were both at the event.
Dr. Troup’s message to the Geneva community shone a light on Geneva’s motto: Pro Christo et Patria. It begins with Christ, the new president pointed out, and we invite Him into all we do. “We have real opportunities, and we face real opposition, because we are trying to do important work for the kingdom here.”
Dr. Troup ended with a challenge for the students: Prepare to do faithful and fruitful work … build strong, healthy communities … be part of places that will bring glory to Christ. “Like the early church, look to Jesus. Listen to Him, learn from Him. He is the teacher. We all work under Him.”
Pro Christo et Patria.
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